Having trouble fundraising?

Learn how to raise startup funding even if you don't know how

Hi, my name is Muema.

I’ve been a Silicon Valley angel investor for over 100 companies including 3 unicorns (companies valued at over $1 billion).

I know exactly what investors are looking for. There are specific reasons why some projects never get funded and others get even more capital than the company asked for.

The good news is that it’s not rocket science. Anyone can master the knowledge of:

What kinds of businesses get funded?

How to make your startup funding-ready?

How much money you should request?

Which questions you should be ready to answer flawlessly?

And MUCH more!


Startup Funding Academy

Learn the tools, tactics and techniques to help you raise startup funding today.

It’s like having your own private billionaire on staff, telling you exactly how to sell your concept to investors.